Export Folder and Sub folder permissions to CSV

Here is a quick powershell one liner commands to export the NTFS permissions for a root folders or with Sub folders. To export for a single Folder. Get-Childitem -path C:\MyFolder | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Get-ACL | Select-Object Path -ExpandProperty Access | Export-CSV C:\Temp\Ntfs_single.csv Export command for a folder tree Get-Childitem -path C:\MyFolder -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} […]
How to enable send as option on a distribution group in exchange server
If you wanted to enable send as a distribution group in Microsoft exchange you will be disappointed as this option is not available straight from the Exchange Management Console. But you can achieve this either setting up security permission from Active Directory Users and Computers or by applying a command on Exchange Management Shell. Let’s […]